
Care for Each Other

Our church has a variety of support ministries and skilled professionals ready to share their gifts with you. You are also encouraged to share your care gifts with the congregation.

We are here for you.  Don't hesitate to contact us if you have  a specific need or prayer request, or know someone who wants  a visit or call from one of our pastors or our congregational team.


Prayer Ministry

The Prayer Ministry encourages church members to develop a prayer life and is available to anyone seeking to strengthen his or her prayer life or to develop new prayer groups.
  • A prayer chain continues supplication for concerns and joys raised during worship services.  Email or text your prayer concerns to
  • The prayer labyrinth in Fellowship Hall is available for a contemplative prayer walk.
  • The Upper Room is a private room along the north hallway of the sanctuary with an alter and kneeling rail for quiet reflection and prayer.
  • The Chapel provides a quiet setting for individual and group prayer.
  • The Taize Service is a monthly service designed for meditative prayer .

Companion Ministry

It's the little things, the smallest kindness...come be a part of the ministry for our Homebound.
  • Your time commitment is minimal. Your friendship is essential. An occasional call, a card in the mail, prayers lifted up for them, perhaps even a short personal visit every now and then...that's it! Make a new friend, the rewards are limitless.
  • Your friendship and caring conversation are all that is asked.
  • If you or a loved one is in need of a companion, let us know that as well. We will match up companions as volunteers permit.
  • Contact Tink Thomson

About your Care need

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