Join Us On March 29th: Colby Martin Discussion - Homosexuality and the Bible



We know that walking into a new church can be daunting.  At the United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay, you are welcome . . . period!   To help you know what to expect, we've answered a few questions below  

Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the Glory of God - Romans 15:7

Answers to Typical Questions

How do I find the church?

We are located on Silver Spring Drive in Whitefish Bay, one of several communities in the North Shore of the Greater Milwaukee metropolitan area and only a block from the shores of Lake Michigan. 

When are your worship services?

The contemporary service is at 9:00 am and the traditional service starts at 10:30 am every Sunday.  You can worship in person in our Sanctuary or online. 

Where do I park?

We are a neighborhood church, and parking is challenging. We have reserved spots on the church side of Silver Spring Drive for seniors and people with special needs. You may park on the north side of Silver Spring, on the north side of Glen Ave, and the west side of Danbury. The municipal parking lot, one block toward town and behind Bruegger's and Winkie's, is also available.  

Do you provide a nursery for infants?

Yes.  We provide nursery care for infants and toddlers at both Sunday services.  You can ask at the church office, or proceed directly to the nursery on the 2nd floor.  The bride's room in the back, right corner of the sanctuary is available during services as a quiet room for those with a nursing or wiggly infant.

What are the options for my children during worship? Is there Sunday School?

Children of all ages are welcome in worship.  If you choose, children under 4 can be taken directly to the nursery or toddler room on the 2nd floor.

During the school year, meet us on the 2nd floor to check in for Sunday School before the 9 & 10:30 AM worship services.  We will join the end of worship for communion and Kids' message.

Here are more details about programs for your children and youth.  

What can I wear?

Our congregation comes from a variety of backgrounds, so there are many styles of dress from t-shirts and jeans to suit coat and tie.  Come start a new faith journey with us.  Just come worship!

Do you offer communion?

We take Communion on the 1st Sunday of the month to remember that Jesus gave his life for our salvation.  We are an open table church, so you do not need to be a member of our church or any church to partake in communion.  All we ask is that you seek a relationship with Jesus and ask forgiveness for your sins.  Communion is also a personal choice.  If you choose not to participate, please remain seated in an attitude of prayer.

What can I expect during worship?

Our Sunday services include music, scripture, singing, prayer, and a message from our pastors.  Music is the biggest difference between the services.  The contemporary service is led by a praise team and the songs are of a more current style.  The traditional service is led by the choir and includes longstanding hymns played on our pipe organ.  Don't be surprised to hear musical offerings by classical musicians from our congregation and the community.

Before and after each service, we greet each other over a cup of coffee.  On a special day you might also see sweets!  Fellowship is a vital part of the experience here, so we encourage you to talk to someone you don't know.

What should I do if I want to be contacted after worship?

Please record your worship attendance and include a note about your desire to be contacted.  You might also receive a card when you enter the sanctuary where you can note your interest in being contacted.  Also, don't be shy about introducing yourself, or letting the pastor know as you leave the sanctuary.

How do I become a member of the church?

We invite all who profess belief in Jesus as their Lord and Savior to join our congregation in Christian fellowship. You can contact Jenny Fisher, our Director of Congregational Growth and Community Engagements, to learn more.

Can I have my wedding here?

Our church welcomes weddings from members and non-members.  Contact the church office for more information.

Can you baptize my child or me?

Baptism is a special sacrament in the Methodist tradition that joins us to a church family and to Christians everywhere. Baptism symbolizes beginning a new life in Christ. If you have questions about baptism, please contact the church office.