Join Us On March 29th: Colby Martin Discussion - Homosexuality and the Bible

Our Beliefs 

The United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay is a Christian community, a Protestant church which holds to the central teachings of the Christian faith while encompassing significant latitude in individual understandings and expressions of faith. We help each person to grow in faith within the fellowship created by Christ’s love for us and our love for one another.

Our Vision

To assist people to become deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ who love God, care for each other, and serve in the world

Welcoming Statement

God’s grace is available to all, and all persons are individuals of sacred worth. The congregants of the United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay seek to live in Christian community, welcoming all Christian seekers and believers regardless of age, gender, marital status, race, sexual orientation, social or economic status, gender identity, and physical or mental ability.

Our Guiding Principles

We will consistently offer spiritually-inspired, biblically-oriented passionate worship.

We will commit ourselves in service to others, with particular attention to those beyond our church membership.

We will invite people into a relationship with Christ and help them become deeply committed followers of Christ.

We will emphasize programs that minister to families with children and youth in the home.

We will nurture Christian community and deliver care to congregation members.