Our Voice Milwaukee Concert

Our Voice Milwaukee Concert

Saturday, June 01, 2024, 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Narthex, Sanctuary

Address: United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay, 819 E. Silver Spring Dr, Whitefish Bay, WI US 53217

Cost: : $20.00, At the door: $25.00

Contact: David HeinDavid Hein | (414) 964-2424

UMCWFB’s organist, David Hein, is also the artistic director of Our Voice Milwaukee, a chorus of gay men and allies. David has been the artistic director of OVM since 2021. This year, the chorus is presenting their spring concerts at UMCWFB on May 30th and June 1st. The spring concerts are entitled “Finding Our Way: forward together” and considers the idea of travel as both an activity and metaphor.

Travel can mean different things. We travel geographically, of course. But we also travel through time as we age; and we travel emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually throughout our lives. For queer people, the very act of coming out is a journey that we make as we navigate our way out of the closet and explore our authentic selves. Join Our Voice Milwaukee for our spring concerts, the conclusion of our 13th season. Hear us sing and recount our own stories of travel – stories about how each of us (and all of you) are always in the process of “Finding Our Way.” Tickets are available at: https://www.ourvoicemke.org/events

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