Saturday, December 14, 2024, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Contact: Neil BubkeNeil Bubke | (414) 331-2691
Sign up here for a time slot: https://bit.ly/JTB24
Journey to Bethlehem is a 45-minute walking tour led by a guide. You will experience the sights, sounds and drama of first century Bethlehem supported by 80 costumed actors as you visit King Herod's court, the city wall, the marketplace with 11 shops, the synagogue and much more. The elaborate set will immerse you in the culture and excitement of the day Jesus was born. Come and bring the whole family. Reserve your Journey time today by signing up online https://bit.ly/JTB24. For assistance, call the main office at 414-964-2424.