Sunday, October 13, 2024, 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Address: Spieker's Farm, Random Lake, WI, N1181 Hwy 57, Random Lake, Random Lake, WI US 53075
Cost: $20.00
Contact: Jenny FisherJenny Fisher | (612) 590-9112
Calling all Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers!
Our Youth Group is going on a fun fall field trip to Spieker’s Farm in Random Lake! We will experience beautiful fall colors, pick pumpkins, experience a corn maze, go on a hayride, and interact with farm animals in the petting barn! We will carpool to the farm, so meet in the church Narthex at noon. Bring $20 cash to participate in the activities and get treats from the concession stand. RSVP to Jenny Fisher so we know how many to plan for carpool (jfisher@umcwfb.org).