Thursday, May 02, 2024 - Saturday, May 04, 2024
Address: Portal Industries, Inc, 1015 Cedar Creek Rd, Grafton, WI US 53024
Contact: Kathy SchluterKathy Schluter | (414) 702-2027
We expect to pack 100,000 meals at this event.
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian world hunger relief organization based in Minnesota. FMSC provides prepacked meals to children around the world who are at risk of severe malnutrition or starvation. The meals are packed with vitamins and nutrients that these at-risk children need and are rice based so they are easy to prepare and are accepted worldwide. FMSC works in partnership with churches and other organizations that purchase ingredients from FMSC and recruit volunteers to pack the meals. FMSC sends the prepackaged meals to its NGO partners in various countries facing food shortages and the partners funnel the meals to the places that need it most. FMSC has sent over 4 billion meals to over 100 countries and 99% of those meals reach their destination.
Registration for the event opens on March 15. The event consists of seven 2-hour packing sessions. Packing meals is easy and fun and can be done by adults and children age 5 and above. There are also jobs labeling packages for anyone not able to stand for two hours.
See the schedule below:
Thursday Friday Saturday
6-8 pm 10 am-12 pm 9-11am
1-3 pm 12-2 pm
6-8 pm 2:30-4:30 pm (reserved for families)
You can register using the link above or at FMSC.org/Volunteer/Events/Grafton-UMCWFB. You can also get help registering from FMSC team members after each Sunday service beginning on March 17. If you provide your email, you will receive a confirmation and several reminders before the event.
Ingredients and shipping for each meal costs $.29. The cost of 100,000 meals is $30,000. We have already raised about $20,000 but need to raise another $10,000. We would appreciate your donation to this event. You can donate here or by writing a check to the church with “FMSC” in the note line. If you send the donation directly to FMSC, you must include our event number on the check or it will not be allocated to our event. Our event number is 2405-001SC.
Together, we can turn hunger into hope for hungry children.